Entrepreneur, speaker, health advocate and author of “A Road Map to Longevity: Debunking Myths About Healthy Living,” Mario Sequeira was the guest on The Navhind Times, recent talk show, Talk from the Heart which aired on the Goa 365 channel.

Some of the topics and sub-topics in the book which is based on Sequeira’s personal experiences, intensive research and practical tips, include; Why Is Life So Unpredictable, Understanding Ageing, How Medicines Have Failed Us, There Is More to Longevity Than Just Medicine, Why People Find It So Hard to Lose Weight? To Retire Is Not to Withdraw from Life, and more. “Through my book I aim to empower readers to achieve and live a fulfilling life,” he stated.

With the firm belief that understanding the principles of health and longevity can transform lives, he explained how we need not die of old age. “Diseases like cardiovascular are not normally present when we are young but are exacerbated as we age, so it means if we delay the sicknesses, we do not have to die of old age,” he simplified. Sequeira’s own journey began with his struggle not just with his weight and health issues but also with his business going broke. “It was a wake-up call, I knew I had to reinvent myself from the old Mario who was 117 kilos to a better version and also resurrect my company,” he shared. Thus armed with passion in one hand and courage in the other, he set upon the path of discovery and good health.

Describing his journey, he said, “Even after rigorous work-outs at the gym for 6 months, I was unable to lose weight which led me to look closer at how weight loss works.” He then emphasized the holistic approach needed to lose weight. “Food is just one component, the why we over eat, when we eat, how much we eat; are other factors that come in to play.” Giving various examples, he illustrated how the time when we eat is crucial is maintaining the right weight and added, “True health is much more than weight loss; it encompasses a balance of exercise, proper nutrition and mental well-being and these elements can be integrated into everyday life to make sustainable health possible.

He also highlighted the sophistication and wisdom of the human body and its remarkable ability to self-repair. “Our body without doubt is an engineering marvel and with proper maintenance we can live a long, healthy and happy life,” he said.

Sequeira also spoke extensively on certain myths about diets and disease along with retirement and said, “The way we view retirement needs to change. Retirement should be seen as the end of an old chapter and the beginning of a new one. To do this we need to keep our mind and being happily motivated.” He also stressed on the fact that achieving longevity does not require giving up life’s pleasures but making informed and wise decisions that will aid in overall well-being.