Manifestation is a phenomenon that is not just captivating but also extremely powerful and can bring about incredible changes if applied correctly. Dr. Larra Shah, an international mindfulness coach and heal and manifest therapist was the guest on the Navhind Times talk show, Talk from the Heart that aired on the Goa 365 channel recently.

In today’s ever-evolving world where we are seeking personal and professional development and spiritual growth, manifestation is a tool that can transform our lives and create the reality that we want. Based on the power of attraction, manifestation is a dynamic and empowering process. “Our thoughts and beliefs have the power to create our reality,” emphasised Shah as she explained the concept of manifestation and added, “By harnessing the power of our mind, we can direct our thoughts, emotions and actions to attract what we want.

Recounting her story, she shared how she has utilised the heightened senses she was born with, to make incredible changes in her life while also helping others. “My intuition and clairvoyance were very strong and it was my grandma who noticed my gift. Even in school my abilities were recognised very early on,” she said.

Explaining how manifestation works, she spoke about the fourth dimension and how we can all utilise this plane to achieve our heart’s desires. “The first step in this process is knowing what you want. Ninety percent of people do not have clarity and this becomes a hindrance. For manifestation to work, you have to know where you want to go and why,” she stressed and added, “Knowing, believing and being ready is important.

Despite following guidelines, there are those for whom manifestation does not always bear fruit, asked why and how this happens, Shah answered, “Manifestation always works, what does not work is the zone the person practicing it is in. There are limitations on the belief system of the brain that stops one from manifesting.” She then gave examples to illustrate what hinders the end result and steps to the process of manifesting.

Another important question that was put forward was what role did karma play in manifestation. “Karma literally means action and our actions have consequences in time, both short and long term,” she explained. “It is physics, what goes around, comes around. So if you want to offset bad karma; do good, feel blessed and say the prayer of gratitude. I cannot stress enough the power of gratitude.

On the topic of space cleaning or earth luck, she gave several tips on how to bring in positive energy and keep negative energy at bay. “Do not keep broken/chipped or old things which are not being used in your home; discard old clothes that you have not worn for the longest time; clear up watches and clocks which are not working; in the dark spaces of the home, put camphor or salt crystals and if there is a mirror in the bedroom, it should be covered while sleeping,” she advised.