Project STARS, a Dempo CSR Initiative is getting into the keenly-awaited implementation stage. A paper recycling plant at the Government High School, Alto Betim was inaugurated on 26th August by Dempo group chairman, Shrinivas V. Dempo. Flanking Mr Dempo to his rear in the picture are Mr. Shailesh Zingde, Deputy Director of Education, Government of Goa on the left and school headmistress, Ms. Anjali Malik to the right. Present but not seen was Ms Shabana M. Kazi, Associate Fellow, TERI, Goa.
The three-year programme is conceptualised, partly funded, and implemented by TERI, (the Energy & Resources Institute) in collaboration with main funder V. S. Dempo Holdings Pvt. Ltd. Green-lighted in August, 2013, the project aims to build capacity as well as deepen and spread understanding and awareness of climate change and its consequences in ten Goan schools. The premise is that ‘sustainable schools make sustainable communities’. STARS is a follow-up to an earlier two-year collaborative endeavour between TERI and Dempo, the Vasudeva V Dempo Programme of Climate Change Awareness in Goan Schoolchildren, which saw thirty schools and 1000 students deepen their understanding of climate change. To Dempo, Planet and People mean as much as Profit!