Dempo Shipbuilding & Engineering Pvt. Ltd. The premier destination in Goa for ship building and ship repair and prized part of the Dempo Group of Companies. With two state-of-the-technology ship yards, one each on the Zuari (for vessels needing a deeper draught) at Undir, Bandora, and the Mandovi at Bainguinim, Old Goa, both a few kilometres upstream from the Arabian Sea.
- Yards that boast of infrastructure geared to high-tech vessel construction and repair, vessel conversion and modernisation, spanning dry docking, jetties, CAD Centre, pre-fab workshop, slipway, lathe, bonded warehouse, underwater repair – all features expected of a regional industry leader
- A skilled work force and the finest of designing minds coupled with a range of facilities all operating in an ERP environment ensure the delivery of world class vessels and faultless service at competitive rates
- Certified by the Indian Register Quality System to ISO Standard 9001:2008 in respect of its quality management systems and Accredited by the RvA (Dutch Accreditation Council)
- We sport a record of prestige projects, on-time vessel delivery and a growing client roster that bears testimony to our zeal for continuous all-round customer satisfaction.
- Slip Way 120X 20 mts With Hydraulic Winch of 20 tons capacity for safe launching of vessels. Vessel of length about 82 mts with a Launching draft of 2.20 mts can be constructed on this slipway
- Side Launching Bays 110 mts and 80 mts. Can construct the vessels upto 125 mts in length and 18 mts wide. This launching bay can also accommodate two vessels at a time of about length of 90 mts each
2 Dry docks of 90 mts X 18 mts each .Vessel of draft of 1.80 mts and 2.25 mts resp.can be accommodated in these Dry-docks - Full fledged machine shop for manufacturing and re-conditioning of stern gear ,rudder gear, deck machinery & overhaul of all type of mechanical jobs
- Outfitting Quay 120 mts long for carry out Outfit job on vessel after launching and also to attend minor repairs
- A Well Equipped Mechanical, Electrical & Steel Workshop
- Covered & Open Fabrication Bay with monthly throughput of over 150 tons
- Design Section to prepare production, outfitting drawings and as fitted data etc.
- Open and Closed Custom Bonded Warehouse for storage of Imported Material
- Air Plasma CNC Cutting machine to cut maximum width of 3.00 mts with additional gas torch and nesting software
- Mobile cranes varying from 8 tons to 75 tons capacity for handling blocks/ modules
- Blasting and Airless spray machine for proper surface preparation and hull protection
- Stand – by Generator of 325 KVA capacity to use during power failure
- SAW, CO2 and Inverter base welding machines for quality welding.
A committed member of the Confederation of Indian Industry, the Company is a signatory to the CII Model Code of Conduct for Ethical Business Practices, as a time-honoured votary of responsible business (see and click on Signatories to CII).
Contact Details

Dempo Shipbuilding & Engineering Pvt. Ltd.
Old Goa – 403402,
Goa – India
Phone: 0832 – 2903612 / 2285328 /2285469
Fax: 0832- 2284134
Email: [email protected]