The company’s main product, The Navhind Times is Goa’s first English daily & has been its leading newspaper for 60 years.
It is the most respected media voice in Goa and has earned the trust of its ever-growing number of readers by providing true news and unbiased commentary on all issues that concern their lives – from governance and politics to development and environment to education and employment to technology and travel to music and art to sports and health to fashion and lifestyle.
The Navhind Times is loved by the entire family of every reader as it is the only newspaper that, apart from providing reliable information and objective views, publishes special magazine supplements to meet the knowledge, tastes and lifestyle needs of every member of the family. ZEST is for mothers and daughters. KURIOCITY is for young daughters and sons. PANORAMA provides good reading for fathers and mothers and politically conscious youth. BUZZ makes lively presentation of the cultural scene to the whole family.
The Navhind Times is widely acknowledged for its vital role in moulding the opinion of Goan society. Through its in-depth reports, analyses and commentaries it has often succeeded in bringing clarity to the understanding of issues and changing the viewpoints through which people perceived these issues.
By playing an active role in informing and opinion building, The Navhind Times has stood for years as the tallest beacon of a healthy press and become indispensable to the functioning of democratic institutions in Goa.
The Navhind Times has been playing its role inspired by the basic philosophy that democracy cannot function in a healthy manner without the active participation of people in all affairs of their community and the state. Their active participation is not possible unless they are kept accurately informed about important political, social, economic and cultural issues around them. Only when they are accurately informed can they form an opinion about how democratic institutions are being run by the government and their functionaries.
The Navhind Times is committed to healthy journalism and to providing unbiased news and views in order to enable people to get a clear and truthful account of events, so that they may form their own opinion and offer their own comments and viewpoints on such matters and issues and select their future course of action.
Our Marathi daily, Navprabha (NP), now in the 52nd year of its publication has always sought to stay true to its aims of unbiased reporting and analysis.
Lauded for being the best edited paper and read by the discerning Goan, NP prides itself on being a champion of Goan causes and on forming the opinions of those who matter in Goa.
NP blends contributions from both the literary traditions of Goa, Marathi and Konkani, many of which have gone on to be published in book form. Several writers of promise have made their bow within the pages of NP before going on to earn recognition. NP is thus a forum, a platform, a nursery for regional writing talent.
Contact Details

Dempo Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Navhind Papers and Publications,
Navhind Bhavan,
Ismael Gracias Road,
Panaji, Goa – 403001
Phone: 0832 – 6651104, 6651111
Fax: 0832 – 2224258
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Navhind Papers and Publications,
Navhind Bhavan,
Ismael Gracias Road,
Panaji, Goa – 403001
Phone: 0832 – 6651104, 6651111
Fax: 0832 – 2224258
Email: [email protected]