Dempo remain dedicated to Sustainable Development. Decades of engagement with local communities and stakeholders, mainly in Goa, has made the factoring in of People and Planet second nature to us in the pursuit of Profit. We go beyond the law in demonstrating good corporate citizenship and social responsibility.
Over the years our concerns have crystallised into six focus areas – Higher Education, Sporting Excellence, Goan Culture, Environmental Conservation, Affirmative Action and Health & Sanitation.
Corporate Social Responsibility at the Group is driven through the Parent Company, V. S. Dempo Holdings Pvt. Ltd, other group companies, a Foundation, the Vasantrao Dempo Education & Research Foundation, as also trusts, the Dempo Charities Trust, and the Dempo Higher Secondary School of Science Trust.
Through the Dempo Charities Trust
A range of scholarships to needy students, including special such schemes for children and students hailing from Santa Cruz Village, the seat of the Dempo ancestral home.
Extensive infrastructure up-gradation and injection of new resources into Dhempe College of Arts & Science, S S Dempo College of Commerce & Economics, Vasantrao Dempo Higher Secondary School of Arts & Science, and Vaikunthrao Dempo Higher Secondary School of Commerce, the four Dempo institutions for pre-university, undergraduate and post-graduate learning in Panaji (among the earliest such academic institutes to be established in post-Liberation Goa) affiliated to Goa University, including launch of innovative academic and learning programmes.
The Vasudeva V Dempo Memorial Lecture Series whose celebrity guest orators have been the country’s former prime minister, the head of its largest private bank, and the head of its largest private steel company.
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Through the Dempo Higher Secondary School of Science Trust
The need for an all-new administrative set-up to govern the recently-established Dempo Higher Secondary School of Science, owing to its special aims and the special means to deliver those aims led to the creation of the Dempo Higher Secondary School of Science Trust…
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Through the parent company, V. S. Dempo Holdings Pvt. Ltd, and other group companies
Promoting sporting excellence by supporting Goan youngsters as the Dempo Goodwill Brand Ambassadors, each a globally benchmarked achiever in their sporting disciplines. Read More…
Partnering globally renowned NGO and think tank, The Energy & Resources Institute (TERI) in environmental education programmes aimed at awareness-raising and capacity building among middle-and – high school Goan students to face global warming and climate change. Read More…
Partnering industry association, Confederation of Indian Industry, in affirmative action programmes supporting professional study learners from among India’s underprivileged communities, aimed at improving their employability.
Through the Vasantrao Dempo Education & Research Foundation
The Dempo Research Fellowships-Supporting researchers into Goa-centric socio-economic studies to submit scholarly works later published to enable wider readership. Two books published – an encyclopaedia of Goan art and culture, Kaleidoscope Goa, and The Goan Village Communes, a work on the ancient system of local self – government, ‘communidades’ – with a third in progress.
An ethnographic research project directed by an internationally known anthropologist aimed at uncovering issues of concern to the Goan rural populace with particular relevance to women, children, health and civil governance, as a prelude to further worthy, targeted CSR initiatives.

Contact Details

Head of Corporate Social Responsibility,
Dempo Group of Companies
Dempo House,
Campal, Panaji,
Goa 403001
Phone: 0832-2441300 (Board)
Fax: 0832-2228588 / 2225098